Activity Tracking in Amazon's
Account Management Central

ux design | prototyping | usability testing

Role: UX Designer and Usability Tester

Duration: 2 months

Tools: Figma design and prototyping, Usability Interviews

Activity Tracker Business Requirements

The minimum lovable product (MLP) version of Activity Tracker in Account Management Central (AMC) provides account managers (AMs) with the capability to categorize and record activities taken during their daily task. They can associate activities to themselves, a seller/marketplace, and a program. I was brought on for the second release of Activity Tracker, in which the business requirements called for features to identify the specific contact person, note whether a conversation took place regarding the program engagement, and automatically fill in the seller, marketplace and the program to save AMs time through automation.

Getting Started

Before getting to work on the user stories I went through the current design of the activity tracker to update the elements to the current design system elements. I corrected the placeholder texts that should have been italicized. I also moved the activity date input and status to the top section since these elements are always filled in by default so they don't really belong in the optional section.

User Stories


As an AM, when I log a communication activity (email, call, social, event, etc.), I want to select the contact from the Seller Profile with whom the communication took place so I have a reference to the person in the communication in the future.
The contacts field would be filled with contacts listed on the seller's Seller Profile page. This feature was later removed from this phase of the project as the tech team determined that it was turning all the data red.

Noting Engagement & Automatic Stage Move

As an AM, when I log a communication activity in activity tracker, I want to note whether the Seller was "engaged" or not so I can reference the engagement later.
I added the engagement input dropdown. There is a default set of answers and then three other sets of answers tailored to each type of communication, call, email and social media (wecom.)
During testing some user's had trouble logging engagement from the dropdown because they were so used to writing it freeform in the notes section. They didn't know that it was a new feature added. The prototype did not have the tool tips functional either. We concluded that when the feature went into production, with the tootip, users would quickly learn the new feature is available.

As an AM, when I log that a seller was engaged, the minimum stage for the Opportunity Product should be "Evaluation" so we can accurately record stage moves and save the AM time.
We added the automation functionality to change the stage in Opportunity Products page to "Evaluation" whenever an activity was logged as engaged.

Multiple Select

As an AM, when I am talking to a seller, I want to associate one activity with multiple marketplaces and products so I don't have to create multiple activity records.
My original design called for a multi-select dropdown for the marketplaces and then the seller name field would search all sellers located in all of the market places. The AM could also input one marketplace, search for the seller and then add additional marketplaces. Unavailable marketplaces would be disabled.

After discussions with the tech team it was determined that this was not feasible as they could only search in one marketplace to find the seller and could not search a union of multiple marketplaces. I redesigned the input process to make a "Find your seller" input group. After inputting one marketplace and finding one seller, the AM could then add additional marketplaces and also log products for each marketplace. After usability testing we also added the requested options of "Select EU5" and "Select EU8" which also increased productivity for AMs as they would no longer have to check all 8 EU countries everytime.

Automatic Seller Info from Opportunity Products

As an AM, when I launch an activity from opportunity product views, I want the information implied by launching the activity to be filled out for me in the activity to save me time.
This was one of the features that I wanted to make sure I tested the most. I wanted to see if AMs would be able to log an activity from the link button in the first row, in which a seller had no previous activities logged. Next I wanted to see if the AM would still find the add activities button when it was inside the activities dropdown button. This would be for sellers that already had activities logged and you could either add an activity or go to see the existing activities. I tested 5 AMs from the US, China and Japan and no one had any issues, all managed to still find the "add activities" button when it was inside the dropdown. Having the marketplace, seller and product already filled in also tested really well with AMs.


While my contract with Amazon was short term and I cannot speak to the longterm outcomes, the new features I designed were very well received during usability testing. AMs from all over the world told me how they welcome these new features and cannot wait to put them to use in their day-to-day workflows.